We ventured up Platteklip Gorge at 6am to catch the sunrise at 07h30. On our way up, it started raining, and when we got to the top, it was covered in clouds and very little visibility. We were however spoilt with rainbows all over the Atlantic ocean, and a small patch of sun peeking through the clouds as we decended back down. — at Table Mountain.
Ontop of Table Mountain with the first glimps of a rainbow to welcome us
— with Alex Aitkenhead at Table Mountain.
Another beautiful rainbow over Houtbay and the Tokai Peak to the left of it
— at Table Mountain.
The rainbow over the Atlantic provided us with a picture opportunity around every corner
— with Juanita Aitkenhead at Table Mountain.
An iphone photosynth stitch of the inside of the cable car just before our ride down
— with Juanita Aitkenhead at Table Mountain.
Table Mountain Giftshop in the back ground and the reflection of a beautiful rainbow to welcome us
— with Alex Aitkenhead at Table Mountain.
After a hot chocolate ontop of the mountain, a comfy ride down the cable car and a short walk back to the car, the sun peeked through the thick cloud cover onto the harbour and parts of Cape Town
— at Table Mountain.
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